The Challenge of Ensuring Player Welfare in Football
Despite the positive social and economic benefits of sport participation, human rights violations are not uncommon in football. These can stem from a myriad of factors – whether it be physical injuries, emotional stress and anxiety or discrimination, racism and harassment.Learn more :เว็บหลัก-บริการลูกค้า/
Addressing these issues requires a holistic approach, with all stakeholders (including fans) playing their part. While there is no easy answer to the question of how to protect player welfare, clubs can take steps towards creating a positive environment for players by taking a proactive approach to wellbeing and providing adequate support structures, including training and education.
Protecting Players: The Challenge of Ensuring Player Welfare in Football
Player care officers have a vital role to play in ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of footballers. Their responsibilities can range from drug and alcohol testing to the delivery of equality, diversity, and inclusion training. They can also be an important source of signposting for players who may be struggling.
However, they are not trained psychologists and should therefore be wary of diagnosing a player’s mental health concerns. This could be detrimental to the welfare of the player as it may lead to them feeling isolated and unsupported. As such, it is essential that coaches support their player’s mental health and ensure the lines of communication between them are open. This can be done by empowering players to talk about any concerns they may have in their own time and by supporting them to use tools such as Tootoot Sport, a digital duty of care listening app which has been designed to be used within the sport sector.